Saturday, July 19, 2008

Swim Team

So, we had our first year of swim team with the kids. We just thought we weren't busy enough on Saturdays and I got to sleep in too much. Fortunately 6 and under (both Cece and Blake are in that age group) get done around 11, so there is still some time. We are very proud of our two very good swimmers. At the beginning of the swim season they didn't even know how to swim the strokes and by the end of the year they were competitive in their age groups. Of course, they have fun still just free swimming.

Here is Cece swimming and her post-race smile. It's a winner.

Here she is ready to start back stroke. Despite a late start she took the lead, but lost it at the end and came in 3rd. Gotta work on the conditioning!!!

Here is Blake swiming in his relay. You can just see him on the other side ready to start and in the other one, his arm is poking out of the water. I know, it is like National Geographic quality photo work.

Here is Blake swimming the backstroke. He was sick today, but toughed it out. Way to go!

Here is Jesse jumping in. I just wish he would not jump so close to the steps. The other one is a swim position I like to call, "The Jesse".

I swear I saw this as a movie poster shot. Who doesn't fight evil with oversized squirt guns?

1 comment:

NaDell said...

Cute kids. Glad to see what's going on with you guys.