Friday, December 15, 2006

Photo Cleanup

Well, it has been a while since I organized our photos, so I spent the last 2 ½ hours doing that. I realize some of you have seen our family more recently than others, but I thought I would throw a few pics out there. I tried to e-mail, but it was too big for the e-mail service, so I decided to start a blog. So now you can come visit it more often.

Blake had his first year of soccer this year. It took some time, but I finally teased him so many times about styling his hair into a faux hawk, that he wouldn’t wear his hair any other way. I think he looks like a regular soccer hooligan, too bad he played like one too. I never thought 5-year-old soccer could be so riveting! Oh the suspense of it all. Blake did as well as any first year soccer player, he liked to watch what others were doing and didn’t know where the ball was half the time, but occasionally the ball ran into his leg. I guess the blind squirrel really does find a nut every now and then. He is also becoming more the ladies man. All the younger girls keep putting the moves on him, like this cute blonde at the Christmas party. She kept trying to hold his hand at the party, she is in his carpool. Blake does already have a type, he does prefer blondes. So who knows, in 18 years you could see the announcement of their nuptials.

Unfortunately, both Blake and I received the gift of food poisoning at the ward party. Cece didn’t have much luck either when she put her top tooth through her bottom lip just before we left for the party. Just the month before, Blake had to get three staples in his head due to an inch gash caused by a pony ride gone awry by the babysitter. At least now we get free babysitting.

You can tell from the Cheerleader shot, that we have a real girlie on our hands. Last week she came to me real sad because after a thorough search she had realized that she could not find either of her two skirts anywhere. She sadly told me, “Mommy hid my skirts.” I looked at Rebecca who looked at my and quietly nodded, but said she didn’t tell her she was doing that. Cecilee will pretty much find any excuse to wear a skirt or dress, no matter how cold. If they look the slightest bit clean, then you have a real battle of wills. Sounds like Mom might have met her match. I didn’t think I would have to get between Mother and Daughter issues until teenage years. No wonder I spotted some gray in my hair last month!

Then there is Little Man, J Man, JJ; he has many nick names. Jesse sure took his time getting mobile, but boy is he there now. He is easily our busiest of the three. At 16 months he climbed into the kids electronic Jeep and started driving it around. All the ornaments on the tree are about three feet up. As you can tell he was Jack Jack for Halloween. Rebecca got him to wear the mask by Peer or better said, Sibling Pessure. She put it on while he was looking into the mirror and had the other kids clapping. Also, you might be able to tell, that he has an affinity to water. At his 1 year birthday, he was sticking his face into the water fountain jets at the park. Next summer should be fun at the pool.

Well, I know this is a long update, but I don’t always get to this pics and when I do, I figure it is a good time for an update. I know Rebecca keeps in touch, but I don’t really know what she discusses. Just last week I found out that one of our good friends is 8 months pregnant.

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