Tuesday, December 26, 2006


We continued the tradition of Christmas Eve at Gigi's (Grandma) house. The children were willing participants in this years Nativity. Jesse was not so much, but we still stripped him down into a swaddling diaper as the baby Jesus. He would make an appereance now and then, usually off cue, and decided it was a better use of his time to scavenger for cookies while there was no competition and little supervision. Hey, at least he was quiet.
Santa paid a visit to the children before making his big nightly run. Blake and Cece got new lightsabers (spring loaded so they shoot up on their own) and Jesse got a Slinky Dog (which has a spring in it too, I sense a theme... not really).

Well, after they party, Santa found our house. There was some question whether he would make it since the kids had forgetten that they had to be nice:)

Rebecca found a new love in checking out Christmas lights this year. We had fun except for the problem she and I have in climate control. I have it too cold, she too hot. If only I could drive the car from the outside that would be something. Or perhaps with the next car we will get seat heaters!
As you can see, Jesse was his normal, smiley self. BTW, Dad is very happy he is now officially nursery age. I can finally go and hear a lesson.

Jesse still hasn't learned the ropes when it comes to this present opening thing. Big Sis and Bro Bro were happy to help show him the way. I have a feeling next year he will not be as willing to receive the help.

This picture looked easier than it was. Jesse isn't one for standing still for long. It was new act of speed and entertainment for the parents to get this shot.

Blake and Cece were very happy to get there Leapster game systems. Dad when out and bought a recharger kit since Blake blew through the first set of batteries in a little over 24 hours.

Cece was very pleased to see she got her Arial bike. She wanted to know what those things were on the side of the handlebars.

A couple of hours later she was showing the excitement had not worn off.

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