Friday, May 11, 2007


Again, we didn't have a camera so the pics aren't the best. I don't know where are time goes now, but I have a feeling it is going to get worse before it gets better. We decorated the Easter eggs on Easter sunday. Then we all went into our rooms to allow the Easter bunny to come hide the eggs and fill the basket. Friggin' bunny left half eaten carrots throughout the house as well, but the kids liked looking for eggs. Then we went to Stacy's and Scott's for Easter dinner and the egg hunt. Jesse went out first with cousin Mason. Jesse was more interested in the swing set (two things top his list: swings and water). I convinced him that the eggs have something yummy. They held his interest for 30 seconds, then he was off to the swings. Next year should be different.

Meanwhile, the other two had their own fun. I did notice that, much like soccer, little ones bunch up together and go for the same egg rather than spreading out. So, when I pointed out an egg about a foot from Cecilee, I noticed Blake come from the other side of the lawn running for it. She did a good job of boxing out and he ended up falling over his bucket and not too happy for a while, but he recovered and his search resumed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so happy to see you blogging some more Gregg. I love all the pictures...I love easter egg hunts...seriously...I always want to go find some myself!